Veterans Day
Posted on November 11, 2022 12:55 pm
Peter Jelito
Email: highlandoaks10@gmail.com
Location: Leander, TX
Just returned from a Veterans Day event that the city of Leander, TX had arranged. When during the musical offering by the Local Army Reserve Band, the few Navy veterans stood up, there was one from WWII, an EM3 veteran with which I wanted to connect but he did not stay around after the event. Not many left from that era. Anyone still around from the Canberra crew from the early sixties time?
Let me know.
Thank you for YOUR service.
Peter Jelito, EM2, Canberra Crew 1960-63
Question about rates?
Posted on August 16, 2022 09:25 pm
Sarah K (for Charlie Koestner, CA 70, WWII)
Email: Lil.sarbear06@gmail.com
Location: Las Vegas, NV
So there's this site, called "Find-A-Grave," (I know some will find it a bit morbid and I apologize if it upsets anyone), and the memorial plaque that was dedicated by the Reunion Association is posted there (Zachary Taylor National Cemetery), with a picture by a nice stranger who decided to create the page because he felt it was important to show it (I've already spoken to him and thanked him for taking the picture.) So, the site allows users (using the site is 100% free, always)--to create "virtual cemeteries," (again, this maybe morbid to some, and I apologize again), but I created a cemetery for the crew members lost due to the torpedo attack (28 memorials in all, as 3 men have 2 memorials, and then the plaque memorial page, and for Ens Criblet from USS Current)
*-- Here's my QUESTION: --*
How should I write the rates of the men??
>>>Should it be: "WT3/C" or "WT3" or "WT 3C" or something else?
Like which version is "most" correct, or would have been the version used back in the day?
**Of course, the rate would change depending on the person, MM3/C, EM3/C, F1/C, B1/C and so on...
And since they were killed during active duty, it's ok to use the rate as a prefix to their names, right?
-- Because another find-a-grave user (formerly in military, Vietnam I believe), has told me that he doesn't add ranks/rates to memorials because they were not part of that person's "official name...and that [rate/rank] were a job, so he doesn't add them in name title."
>>>But it was my feeling because the men were on active duty, it is more of a sign of respect, and acknowledgment of that duty as to why the lost their lives?
***Please, anyone who can give me their opinion here, I truly, desperately want to know what is proper and right and respectful!*** I'll trust your opinions over my own since I have no military experience myself.
You can post your response here or message thru Find A Grave, as I don't check or use, my email as much as I should, I text almost exclusively.
My Find A Grave ID: 50505138, with the name Lil Leprechaun.
Agent Orange
Posted on July 18, 2022 08:47 am
Terry Albright
Email: Terrymalbright@gmail.com
Location: CA
I suspect that most crew members are aware that the Canberra's deck logs for the second tour of VietNam in 1966, as well as the 1967 tour, grants crew members "Presumption of Exposure" to Agent Orange.
I was aboard for both of those WestPac's and I have 100% disability from the VA, all service connected. These illnesses started about 34 years after my time in VietNam and were treated and recorded by my
private doctors.
The VA ruled that these ailments were "more likely than not caused by exposure to agent orange”.
They range from diabetes 2, Coronary artery disease, periphery neuropathy, prostate cancer, etc.
The “Presumption of Exposure” is the key as everything falls in to place once you have that.
Contact me at Terrymalbright@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Doug Hegdahl
Posted on July 11, 2022 04:04 pm
Marc Leepson
Email: marcleepson@gmail.com
Location: Virginia, USA
For a book I am writing on the life of SA Doug Hegdahl and his time in the Hanoi Hilton and afterward, I would like to hear from Canberra sailors who were on the ship during his time--especially anyone who knew Doug and would be willing to share their memories of him. So far, I have talked to 13 men. Three were aboard when he was, but none of them knew him.
2022 Reunion update 5-5-22
Posted on April 29, 2022 08:33 am
Ken Minick
Email: usscanberra@gmail.com
At this time, it looks like we will NOT have a reunion until 2023.
Spring Newsletter
Posted on April 1, 2022 11:39 am
Ken Minick
Email: usscanberra@gmail.com
Sorry, but the Spring Newsletter has been delayed.
Hopefully it will be out in the next week or so.
New USS Canberra
Posted on March 1, 2022 01:45 pm
Ken Minick
Email: usscanberra@gmail.com
The LCS-30's Commissioning is still up in the air for now.
It is still supposed to happen this summer, but the date and location are still unknown to us.
If we find anything new, it will be put here in the Log Book.
Spring Newsletter
Posted on March 1, 2022 01:38 pm
Ken Minick
Email: usscanberra@gmail.com
The Spring Newsletter will be about a month late (you should
be getting it about now, but.....).
Some medical problems have slowed it down, plus our print shop has moved and is still getting set back up.
Look for the Newsletter around the first of April.
Capt in Cuban Crisis
Posted on February 24, 2022 01:31 pm
Harry W Spencer
Email: hws2lms@yahoo.com
According to the brochure produced for the Canberra decommissioning in Feb 1970, the Capt was R. K. Irvine from 12/1/61 until 1/19/63.
Cuban Missile Quarantine
Posted on February 21, 2022 02:46 pm
Charles T Lambert
Email: speckyoulater@gmail.com
Location: Marshall, Texas
I was assigned to staff of COMCRUDESFLOT8 from June 1961 to December, 1962. We were transferred TAD to COMCRUDESFLOT6 to join, aboard the USS CANBERRA CAG2, in the Cuban Missile Quarantine, October 22, 1962. I am in the process of writing an article about my experience and can't remember the name of the skipper; I need to cite him in the article. Can anybody help?
Terry Ferguson
Posted on February 7, 2022 10:19 am
Harry Spencer
Email: hws2lms@yahoo.com
Terry, good to see you are alive and kicking. Sometimes that is all that we can ask for.
LCS-28 commissioning
Posted on February 3, 2022 10:35 am
Terry Ferguson
Email: optofergs@yahoo.com
LCS-28 will commission Saturday morning, February 5th. As will probably be the case for Canberra in her turn, the number of attendees will be limited and masks are required.
But on the bright side, there will be a live webcast available.
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