CA 70 / CAG 2


USS Canberra CA 70 - CAG 2 Log Book Archives for 2012

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  • Crew member Posted on December 27, 2012 02:43 pm Name: Raymond Carrier

    Comments: I was on the ship in WWII.

  • sign in Posted on December 25, 2012 09:03 pm Name: josephnorton

    Comments: new member
  • Shipmates Posted on December 21, 2012 08:42 am Name: Bob Wagner
    Location: Lincoln, Ca 95648

    Comments: Looking for and other shipmates
    from'59 to 9/60 --Fox Division

    World Cruise/ Crossing of equator --25 April 1960
    at 0744
  • Sign in Posted on December 16, 2012 07:53 pm Name: Robert Wagner
    Location: Lincoln, California

    Comments: Looking for shipmates.
  • Fond Memories of CAG 2 Posted on December 10, 2012 01:27 pm Name: Angelo (Andy) Onorato

    Comments: Radarman 2nd Class
    Onboard CAG 2 from Commissioning through end 1957. Highlight: Cruise to South America with Ike on board.
  • World Cruise Posted on December 8, 2012 05:47 pm Name: Byron Potts
    Location: valrico,fl

    Comments: Served Mar 58 to Nov 60. Signal gang, midshipman and Med cruise. World cruise in 1960, boy what memories.
  • Anyone I Know Posted on November 26, 2012 08:37 pm Name: Jimmy L. Auten
    Location: Rigby, Idaho

    Comments: Last ship I was on. From 1963 to 1965, Gunners Mate 3Rd Class, 3" 50 gun mount
  • Equater 1960 Posted on November 13, 2012 01:55 am Name: Tom Pitts
    Location: Gig Harbor, WA

    Comments: Served on board April 59-Oct 61
    Does anyone remember the dates we crossed the internationa date line at the equater?
  • Signal Gang Posted on November 10, 2012 09:31 am Name: Everett Pearsall
    Location: Wappingers Falls, NY

    Comments: Served in Canberra 1958-59 in the signal gang before being transferred to Little Rock CLG-4 pre-commissioning detail.
  • Former sailor on Canberra Posted on November 3, 2012 07:35 pm Name: Charles L. Russell
    Location: Columbia, SC

    Comments: Glad to see you're keeping up on the Can Do Kangaroo!
  • Looking For A Long Lost Friend Posted on October 31, 2012 12:16 am Name: Bruce Beckeney
    Location: Long Beach Before Decom

    Comments: Hi,All!
    I served on the Canberra as a GMT from 1966-69. I now live back in northern Michigan and would like to reconnect with pal Dennis Morgan,a former SEAL.Anyone know his whereabouts?
    GMT,Bruce J. Beckeney
  • Looking for ex-Canberra Sailor Posted on October 24, 2012 02:30 pm Name: Daniel R. Tarin

    Comments: Hey Primo, I lost sight of you a couple of years ago. Where you at now?
    email if you can at:
    Take care cousin. . .
  • In memoriam Posted on October 13, 2012 01:22 pm Name: Jim Steele
    Location: Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

    Comments: My father, Hugh Steele SKCS, USN (Ret). passed away peacefully on October 12, 2012 at the age of 90. Dad served on the Canberra from its first launch through its return to US port for repairs after the historic attack of October 13, 1944.

    Though dad suffered from Alzheimer's in his final years, he was always happy to talk about his experiences aboard the Canberra - it was a defining experience in his life.
  • Ship's Bell history Posted on October 4, 2012 06:38 am Name: Capt Jim McIntyre

    Comments: This was the day before our nation was altered:

    September 10, 2001 - President George Bush and Australian Prime Minister John Howard meet at the Washington Navy Yard to hand over the bell from USS Canberra to the Australian Government and a survivor of the sunken Australian Canberra will have his reservation to fly on Flight 77 the next day cancelled by the Australian Embassy.

    Bush, Australian leader meet

    "U.S. President George Bush and Australian Prime Minister John Howard met Monday to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the military alliance between the two countries.
    Bush presented Howard with a gift that symbolizes the U.S.-Australia military alliance -- the ship's bell of the USS Canberra, an American vessel named in honor of an Australian warship lost in World War II. The ceremony took place at the Washington Navy Yard.

    Howard enjoys what he calls a 'special relationship' with the United States and that relationship is on solid ground despite a few recent trade disputes. He has been largely supportive of the United States' proposed missile defense plan.

    U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell earlier this year said Australia was one of America's "very, very best friends in the world" partly because it has regularly drawn on Australian support over the years.
    In 1990, Australia was one of the first nations to lend its support to the U.S.-led military build up and then intervention in the Persian Gulf following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.

    Currently, the military alliance -- on the surface at least -- amounts to little more than occasional joint naval or military exercises, in addition to Australia providing the real estate for some strategic American listening posts." - CNN (09/10/01)

    Canberra vet lives to tell the tale

    "It's September 10 in Washington, USA, as survivor of the sunken HMAS Canberra, Mackenzie Gregory, turns to Australian Prime Minister John Howard and says "See you tomorrow at Arlington".
    Unbeknown to Mr Gregory, he is about to survive another event of historical significance - the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington the following day.
    Furthermore, Mr Gregory may also have the Prime Minister to thank for his good fortune after he was originally booked on Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon on September 11.
    Staff from the Australian Embassy cancelled the booking from Flight 77 and re-scheduled his flight to coincide with the Prime Minister's attendance at a wreath-laying ceremony in Arlington.
    As one of the few survivors from the sinking of HMAS Canberra on August 9, 1942, Mr Gregory was in Washington for a ceremony handing over the bell from USS Canberra to the Australian Government.

    President George W Bush even broke ranks to personally meet Mr Gregory, with Mr Bush ordering a three-star marine general to photograph himself with Mr Gregory, his wife and Prime Minister John Howard.
    The next morning Flight 77 was flown into the nearby Pentagon, with Mr Gregory and his wife taken to a hotel opposite the Australian Embassy shortly after." - Australian Navy (10/01/01)

  • Looking for. Posted on September 21, 2012 11:43 pm Name: George (Coco) Krikorian

    Comments: Looking for Francis (Frank) McBride and Louis R. Reyes. They severed w/me 1958 to 1961. 7th div.. Great times.
  • 11/60 to 6/63 Posted on September 2, 2012 07:12 pm Name: Robert Downey, Jr.
    Homepage: none
    Location: 1st Div and R Div.

    Comments: I'm looking for Richard Leon, aboard 61 to 63. Remember our trips to Philly? My 2 sisters do. You dated both of them. Would like to hear from you. I believe you were 1st Div. Anybody that remembers the trips to Philly when my parents would put up with 5 horny sailors. Somehow, both sisters dated everyone I brought home. Hmm! I'm wondering why they were so popular.
  • Explosion In Magazine Posted on August 11, 2012 12:34 pm Name: John Mack
    Homepage: Legal Office Yeoman

    Comments: I have a memory from the Legal Office where I worked under LtJG Demoga.
    There was a court martial as a result of reckless endangerment....A bet was wagered re hitting a powder canister with a ball peen hammer as I recall....It was very tragic and had us all afraid the ship would start exploding in the magazines.
  • I served 1956-1959 Posted on August 7, 2012 12:25 am Name: Charlie Savage

    Comments: I tried to register with the web site. Was unable to due to Explorer problem.
    I was a MM2 in the "M" Division. Would like to connect with any members of the M Division. Great to see some of the stories that several have shared.

  • Wayne L. Chadick Posted on July 18, 2012 09:21 pm Name: Melinda Smith

    Comments: My father served aboard the Canberra in 1961. I know this because I was born while he was aboard and I have an engraved silver cup from the wardroom officers. Capt. Chadick passed away in 2004. If there is anyone out there who knew him then I would love to hear from you.
  • Seeking Information Posted on July 9, 2012 12:10 pm Name: Carolyn Gibson
    Location: West Virginia

    Comments: My husband Raymond Gibson was assigned to the USS Canberra at one point in time, he is now deceased. VA needs information about his deployment. I know that he was a member of the Association and received the newsletter. Can anyone help me with this problem. I believe he was in the US Marines at the time, which should have been mid 19610's or earlier. Please contact me at e-mail address above. Thanks for any and all help.
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