Powder Can Explosion
Posted on November 2, 2008 09:56 pm
C G Smithwick
Email: cglennnn@hotmail.com
Location: KS
Vietnam era, FM Division
Served '66 till it was decommissioned in '69.
Nice website fellows. Brings back memories.
Dennis Dufault, I read your piece on the explosion. I was standing watch in PLOT and some were concerned there might be more explosions when it happened. Maybe we were lucky.
On another condition 3 watch in the middle handling room of a 5" mount, the lower dredger hoist stuck in the run position and started spitting out 5" projectiles. We were trying to grab and pass them along quickly (they were about 54 lbs.) till at one point the first 2 men had their hands full and another was shooting out. I reached across them and grabbed it and the next one, the last thank god, landed on its nose on the floor. The brass tip was mashed flat but nothing happened. In your instance it was a powder can instead of a projectile.
Did you know or find out what made it explode?
How many were hurt?
CAG 2 Plank Owner
Posted on October 30, 2008 02:24 pm
Michael A Curtis FT2
Email: michael.a.curtis@us.army.mil
I came aboard the Canberra in Camden, NJ in March of 56 and served aboard until the end of my Kiddy Cruise, Dec 57.
Posted on October 29, 2008 11:34 am
Allen Roy
Email: aroy16@cox.net
Location: San Diego, CA.
I am an active duty CPO and just enjoy Naval history. You guys have much to be proud of. Thanks to all crew members for your service to this Nation and our beloved Navy.
Al Roy
Crew Member
Posted on October 27, 2008 08:50 pm
Email: jeffries@localnet.com
Location: Michigan
Served aboard this great lady from 59 to 63. Center gun captian in the no.1 turret. I still have all my cruise books and shellback and plank certificates. Great bunch of guys, and many fond memories.
50/50 win
Posted on October 26, 2008 03:35 pm
Carl Harstad
Email: carlharstad@yahoo.com
Location: St. Louis Park, MN
I was surprised and grateful to receive a check for winning second place in the San Diego 2008 reunion 50/50 drawing. I think I've been contributing to the drawing for 18 years. My ship finally came in!
I wanted very much to attend the San Diego reunion but it wasn't possible. I haven't been able to attend any of the reunions in recent years due to a long stint of teaching in China followed by a series of serious medical problems. Now I'm back on my feet and hoping to get back to work soon.
I hope to make it to Baltimore next year to see you all if it's in any way possible. It's been too long!
Mesothelioma lung cancer
Posted on October 23, 2008 10:26 pm
Beverly Meyer
Email: bbmeyer@netllc.net
Location: Holstein, IA 51025
Hi - my husband, William J. Meyer was a member of the OR Division from 1962-1966. He just passed away from mesothelioma lung cancer on October 9, 2008. I am just wondering if there is someone out there who has lost a loved one to this awful disease and like me, needs someone to visit with. I am looking for someone who had a connection to the U.S.S. Canberra because that is the time of his life I am curious about. Thank you very much. Bev Meyer
OI Division
Posted on October 23, 2008 04:58 pm
Jeff Walker
Email: jandnwalker@msn.com
Vietnam Cruises
Location: Clovis, NM
My daughter recently found this site. In reading through the log book, I found entries from several people I remember including two Operation's Officers, Harry Spencer and Lon Hurt. Also, Steven Webb, Dennis Ogg, Jim Roberts and Richard Ferguson who were all in OI Div. at the same time I was.
Hat pin
Posted on October 22, 2008 02:57 pm
Brian Hynes
Email: bh2112sh@yahoo.com
Location: Jacksonville, FL
I am looking for a hat pin for my father who served onboard the Canberra in Vietnam. If anyone knows where I can find one or has an extra one, it would be greatly appreciated. My father's name is Mike Hynes, just in case anyone recognizes the name. Thank You! Thanks to all of you that have served. I was in the Navy myself following in my father's footsteps.
Posted on October 21, 2008 09:40 pm
Judson Poland EN3
Email: polandj1@verizon.net
Was aboard in "A" Division from May 58/Dec 61. What a great ship. Looking to hear from anyone, still living in Maryland and spending Jan/Mar in the Keys of Florida. Have my boat with me if you like to fish..............
Reunion 2008
Posted on October 19, 2008 08:34 pm
Peter Jelito
Email: highlandoaks@bigvalley.net
Location: Tuolumne, CA
It was a reunion to remember, thanks to the tireless efforts of Ken Minick and the rest of the Board. Thanks a lot guys! Got home OK after a week eating three square ones in restaurants and I'll have to work that off now. Also saw Byron Beebe's entry in the log and I am trying to get in contact with him.
20' Hammerhead Shark
Posted on October 10, 2008 01:55 pm
Alan Rockwood
Email: alanskip@hotmail.com
Vietnam (67)
Location: Market Time, S Vietnam
While working an unrep with the Sacramento one day, a 20' Hammerhead swam to the surface between the two ships, very casualy looked around and slowly returned to the depths uninterested in the goings on!
Posted on October 10, 2008 01:42 pm
Alan Rockwood
Email: alanskip@hotmail.com
Location: Sandy, OR.
Just found this site.
Alan Rockwood EM3, 1966 to 1969
Fox Div 59-61
Posted on September 30, 2008 10:15 pm
Tom Pitts
Email: tdpitts@comcast.net
Location: Gig Harbor, WA
I served in Fox Div from spring of 59 to winter of 61. Tom Pitts FT3
Great years.
Posted on September 30, 2008 09:32 pm
Byron Beebe
Email: snoryb@yahoo.com
I was an EM aboard from 61 to 63. Two Med cruises, Bermuda and Cuban crisis. Great years, would like to hear from former shipmates.
Anthony Donetz
Posted on September 15, 2008 01:10 pm
Anthony Donetz, Jr.
Email: Adonetz@comcast.net
Anthony P. Donetz, CA 70, passed away on May 21, 2008. Anthony Served on the Canberra and to the day of his death, held battered $1.00 bills in his wallet that were damaged by fragmentation during the torpedo attack on October 13, 1944.
Artic Circle
Posted on September 13, 2008 02:17 pm
Ed Brouillette
Email: ediris@att.net
I was in A Division from '56 TO '60. Looking for guys onboard at that time. From the Artic to the Med.
67-68 Nam cruise
Posted on September 12, 2008 11:48 am
Dennis Dufault LI3
Email: vremdufa@vba.va.gov
I served onboard the 67-68 West-Pac cruise. I'm trying to locate anyone who remembers the fire that broke out amidships in the main powder magazine. I helped carry one of our shipmates that was injured when the powder canister exploded and caused that fire. I'll never forget holding (what was left of) the guys face and jaw with my hand so he wouldn't suffocate. A few days later I ended up in sickbay myself with a fractured leg.
Canberra 1955 to 1957
Posted on September 12, 2008 04:55 am
Art Piatt
Email: Chateau@netcarrier.com
Would like to hear from any shipmate from the Canberra, 1955 to 1957. I was Guided Missile Man 3rd. Mississppi prior. Took Ike to Bermuda. Drop me a line. Art Piatt
Posted on September 8, 2008 04:36 pm
Robert Smith
Email: wygifi@aol.com
Location: Houston, Texas
I served on her from March 3, 1960 to November 30, 1960. I was very lucky to get onboard right before the world cruise. I think we started that cruise on March 17, 1960 out of Norfolk with snow all over the dock. I wish I could find my "GOLDEN SHELLBACK" certificate. I still have the cruise book and a large color photo we were able to buy. I was in the 4th divison.
Terrier Systems
Posted on September 3, 2008 02:38 pm
Ray Olsen
Email: Raynbeto@sc.rr.com
Came from GS "A" school, Dam Neck, VA to GMTU 21, EAG-128 awaiting FFT to CAG-2 precommissioning detail. Became GS3 on USS Mississippi, commissioned USS Canberra at Philadelphia in 1956 in the 8th division. Did shakedown cruises, Operation Strikeback with the NATO Fleet followed by a Med cruise to Gibralter, Barcelona, Naples, Athens, Istanbul, Izmir, Suda Bay. Left ship as GS2 summer of 1958 enroute to NESEP. Great ship.
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